Untitled Blog

Entries tagged "internet publishing".

Ecodreamer / New tools
Oct. 12, 2008 2 p.m.


I am thinking of bringing back my ecodreamer site. Well, this is it!!

There are lots of qualifications that go with this writing. I do not specify them for now.


I have found a blog compiler which will make it fairly simple to create blog style web pages. (See the bottom of this page for the link.) I am experimenting with it here.

I do not know how to specify the title of the blog. Hopefully I will figure out these subtlties over time. For now it's the content that counts.

Publishing and publishing tools are a large interest of mine. This new tool seems to make the creation of output fast and easy.

I like the idea of having a blog generate static html output, since then the pages can be snapshotted and saved. I am a bit OCD about having backup copies of work and snapshots, etc. This comes from my experience in software engineering. This is more legal than pages which are dynamic. Further the pages can be viewed offline. There is lots to say about all of this stuff.

Tags: html tools, internet publishing, publishing, publishing tools, static html.

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